Hi Thomas

I have found the links in the ttl-file.

Another question. What happens if a Wikipedia title/url changes. How do you handle this? Do you update Wikidata manually (the link from Wikidata to Wikipedia)?


Den 23. nov. 2017 kl. 08.46 skrev Rune Stilling <subs@rdfined.dk>:

Hi Thomas

Thank you - But I simply cannot find this data in the latest-truths.nt-file.

F.ex. the following grep command returns nothing:

grep ^\<https://en\.wikipedia\.org latest-truthy-BETA.nt

Also when I query my local triplestore installed with the RDF-data I cannot find this relation.


Den 22. nov. 2017 kl. 16.40 skrev Thomas Pellissier Tanon <thomas@pellissier-tanon.fr>:

Hello Rune,

They are encoded in the RDF dumps of Wikidata using the http://schema.org/about property e.g.:

<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Adams> schema:about <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q42>



Le mer. 22 nov. 2017 à 16:21, Rune Stilling <subs@rdfined.dk> a écrit :
Hi list

Where can one find the mapping between Wikidata and Wikipedia. I can see the links online in both Wikidata and Wikipedia, but I cannot find the links in the RDF-dump f.ex. of Wikidata, nor in the XML-dump of Wikipedia.

With regards,
Rune Stilling

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