
(Mail mainly directed at Denny)

I am wondering to what extend we want to be able to specify the "data type" of a property on wiki. Right now one can only provide which DataType to use (where DataTypes are system defined) and nothing else. Do we also want to be able to specify things such as a list of allowed values, which ValueValidators to use, ect? I'm asking since Tpt poked me asking about doing exactly such a thing, which is written down here:


I have been working under the assumption we do not want this (at least initially) so there currently is no place to track such per-property info internally. If we do want to support this any time soon, I'd like to know now so we can already facilitate it. (By facilitate it I mean holding it into account when writing new code or modifying existing stuff, not actually implementing it.)


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.