Hi everyone!

I am trying to configure Wikibase in a wiki that I have installed. I want to use both, repository and client. I have followed installation instructions, but I think that I made something wrong because now I have several errors in my wiki.

If I access to any page of the site I see "Internal error", the error and the backtrace. For example, in the mainpage:

    [e837b2d7a6fcc7e1edaead2a] /Portada Error from line 240 of /[PATH]/extensions/Wikibase/client/includes/Store/Sql/DirectSqlStore.php: Class 'Wikimedia\Rdbms\SessionConsistentConnectionManager' not found

It also happens when I try to edit any page in main namespace. Then, another error is when I visit the page Special:CreateItem:

    [1d904eb6d5d155e0d0c710ae] /Especial:CreateItem TypeError from line 32 of /[PATH]/extensions/Wikibase/repo/includes/Store/Sql/SqlIdGenerator.php: Argument 1 passed to Wikibase\SqlIdGenerator::__construct() must be an instance of Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer, instance of LoadBalancer given, called in/[PATH]/extensions/Wikibase/repo/includes/Store/Sql/SqlStore.php on line 298

You can check my settings for Wikibase in that gist. But I have made is config both extensions in the same file and the namespaces like as explain the advanced configuration. I have configurated PHP 7.

Any idea? Thanks in advance!

Regards, Iván
Iván Hernández Cazorla.
Estudiante del Grado de Historia en la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Socio de Wikimedia España.
Sitio web personal.