Hello all,

I'm writing at the recommendation of Mairelys Lemus-Rojas after I approached her with the below inquiry and exchanged some emails about it.

I was wondering if anyone was familiar with a semantic/linked data capable content management system or blog that has autofill or nanotation capabilities. What I mean by that is, say I'm writing a blog post about Paris, I'm looking for something that would autofill linked data 'under the hood' by either a dropdown (a la Omeka's Value Suggest), a autofill (a la wikidata/pedia) or something that creates semantic blog tags.

I've seen a (very) bleeding-edge technology/proof of concept called nanotation that looks about right, but might be completely different then what I actually want, which is to find something that incorporates linked data, autofills URIs, and works like a blog/content management system.

So far I've explored

My longterm goal with this is to create semantic libguides and blogs. I really do think semantic libguides are NEARLY possible—maybe an API that pulls knowledge graphs along and wikidata visualizations, along with some blog-type software... I think it could be done, and I have some bits and pieces of it, but not quite the whole sandwich (so to speak).

I'm partially doing this with an ALA grant I got for www.histsex.com (soon to be www.histsex.org just in case you're clicking that in a week or so!). This "bibliography" is all in omeka and it works effectively like a libguide, but will need further plugins to make it all work as desired, so I continue to investigate alternatives.

Perhaps this is something that a grant will be needed to do in a broader way? Or is there something obvious I've missed here?

Thank you all for your time!


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