There might be a misunderstanding here. The "admin" in question are not the administrators in the wiki / mediawiki sense, those elected by the contributor’s community, but the admin at the system level.

Those who administrates the website and the machine, the WMF staff, might perform the procedures that Google proposes to gain access to this Google console.

Le lun. 31 juil. 2023 à 16:25, Luca Martinelli [Sannita] <> a écrit :
Il giorno lun 31 lug 2023 alle ore 16:15 Marie-Claude Lemaire
<> ha scritto:
>  a wikidata admin has access to the webmaster, when can I hope it will be done

No. They don't. They don't have access to that kind of function. It
was wrong information that was given to you.

If you want Google to update your data, follow Platonides' advice and
use the button "Lancer la demande de suppresion" from to request
Google to delete "Marie-Claude Mallet-Lemaire".

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