When you consider splitting up in parts, the question becomes how do we bring things together.. Where a person may have publications and awards and awards are in a separate area, how do you find the person in either environment? It is one thing to consider splitting up because they may help with "operational"  issues, the key thing is how will interaction be. Without a practical way to mix and match it will lead to towers of knowledge that are effectively hardly interacting.

On Sun, 12 May 2019 at 09:20, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Erik Paulson, 12/05/19 01:54:
> It's probably less about splitting the dumps up and more about starting
> to split the main wikidata namespace into more discrete areas [...]

In fact that was one of the proposals in "The future of bibliographic
data in Wikidata: 4 possible federation scenarios".


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