
responding to Yaroslav Blanter's following observation on this mailing list:

"However, when I look at the statistics of usage, http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_UsageDashboard/ I see that Wikivoyage allegedly uses, in particular, genes, humans (quite a lot, actually), and scientific articles. How could this be? I am pretty sure it does not use any of these."

Please note that The *Wikidata item usage per semantic category in each project type* chart that you have referred to in a later message has a logarithmic y-scale (there's a Note explaining this immediately below the title of the chart). Also, even from the chart that you were referring to you can see that Wikivoyage projects taken together make no use of the categories Gene an Scientific Article. The usage of the logarithmic y-axis there is a necessity, otherwise we could not offer a comparison across the project types (because the differences in usage statistics are huge).

Here's my suggestion on how to obtain a more readable (and more precise) information:

- go to the WDCM Usage Dashboard: http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_UsageDashboard/
- Tab: Dashboard, and then Tab: Tabs/Crosstabs
- Enter only: _Wikivoyage in the "Search projects:" field, and select all semantic categories in the "Search categories:" field
- Click "Apply Selection"

What you should be able to learn from the results is that on all Wikivoyage projects taken together the total usage of Q5 (Human) is 26, and that no items from the Gene (Q7187) or Scientific Article (Q13442814) category are used there at all.

Important reminder. The usage statistic in WDCM has the following semantics:

- pick an item;
- count on how many pages in a particular project is that item used;
- sum up the counts to obtain the usage statistic for that particular item in the particular project.

All WDCM Dashboards have a section titled "Description" which provides this and similarly important definitions, as well as (hopefully) simple descriptions of the respective dashboard's functionality.

Hope this helps.



Goran S. Milovanović, PhD
Data Analyst, Software Department
Wikimedia Deutschland
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight,
it's the size of the fight in the dog."
- Mark Twain