
Congratulations on the new version of DBpedia :) .. This makes it an auspicious occasion to talk about future collaboration.

At this time several Wikimedians are busy harvesting data from Wikipedia and loading it into Wikidata. You are harvesting data from Wikipedia and loading it into DBpedia. As we are including data into Wikidata, it goes into DBpedia as well... We might as well work together on this.

One of the best parts (as far as I am concerned) is your knowledge of fields used in infoboxes and knowing how they are the same / related to fields in other infoboxes. This expertise should be easy to absorb into Wikidata

In Wikidata we use qualifiers, will you adopt qualifiers in DBpedia? At this time qualifiers are not handled by the harvesting software I am familiar with.

To me these are the two issues that determine how easy it will be to effectively collaborate on great content for Wikidata. To me the most important aspect of Wikidata is that it is actually used. Information added becomes available in many places. Consequently more data for Wikidata, data that fits in well and is closely related to the 100+ wikipedias you are harvesting will ensure a rich experience in so many places.

On 26 August 2013 17:36, Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@openlinksw.com> wrote:
On 8/26/13 10:44 AM, Gerard Meijssen wrote:

I do know how much the DBpedia people want to reach out and connect in any positive way with both Wikipedia and Wikidata.

I have no knowledge (on the DBpedia side) of any resistance to collaborate with Wikidata. We've always seen this effort (like other structured data efforts of this kind e.g., Freebase, YAGO etc..) as being mutually beneficial.



Kingsley Idehen
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