No. Prunus is a genus and as such many species can and do refer to Prunus. Wikidata is NOT Wikipedia driven so the notion of redirects and paragraphs does not fit. A paragraph is not reliably identifiable anyway.

On 15 October 2014 07:39, rupert THURNER <rupert.thurner@gmail.com> wrote:

French safou should be fruit, because the tree is safoutier. German afrikanische Pflaume is fruit as well. This is a 1:1 match. Prunus contains tens of fruits which do exist as dedicated articles in enwp. If no link can be made to redirects and not to paragraphs this looks like a serious conceptual restriction?


On Oct 14, 2014 5:40 PM, "Jane Darnell" <jane023@gmail.com> wrote:
There are multiple issues with linking the German Wikipedia's "afrikanische Pflaume" to the French Wikipedia's "safou":

1) A tree can only interwikilink to a tree or combined article on the tree + fruit and a fruit can only interwikilink to a fruit or a combined article on the tree + fruit (this is the "single vs. multiple concepts" problem Gerard refers to)
2) There is no way of making an interwikilink for a redirect, and the German Wikipedia's "afrikanische Pflaume" is currently a redirect to "Prunus"

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 4:59 PM, rupert THURNER <rupert.thurner@gmail.com> wrote:

On Oct 13, 2014 2:07 PM, "Daniel Kinzler" <daniel.kinzler@wikimedia.de> wrote:
> Am 12.10.2014 17:02, schrieb Romaine Wiki:
> > Hello Lydia,
> >
> > This is a different problem from the other issue I described in an other mail.
> > I notice two different problems that occur with the same version. One is about
> > the workflow, one is about less experienced/less technical users have
> > difficulties in adding site links.
> Linking a newly created article would be done using the "add links" feature at
> the bottom of the sidebar. That should not have changed at all in the last
> couple of months, as far as I know.
> Can you identify which change exactly is the problem, and why it is problematic?

I tried to link "afrikanische Pflaume " to "safou " the fruit and got an error which was not helpful. I tried to report it here, and nobody used time to look into it. So my personal user experience degraded from usable to not usable.

But I have no idea which change caused the this.


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