I am reading the documentation of WikiData where I learned that new properties could be suggested for discussion. But this means adding knew properties to  WikiData. However, is it possible to use existing RDF vocabularies like the RDF implementation of RDA a cataloging norm based on the FRBR conceptual model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) (see also "What is FRBR?") ?

Unless this could be considered like librarian stuff, the FRBR conceptual model is an interresting way of expressing relations between any work (book, music, movie...) and their authors because it makes a distinction between the work ("20.000 lieues sous les mers", the novel written by Jules Verne) and its manifestations (the publication of this novel by Hetzel in Paris in 1871). FRBR suggest two more levels "expression" (which I don't understood yet) and item (an explary of the book). This model was used by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) for its web site data.bnf.fr, the open data portal of the BNF.

What I mean, is that I could ask for a new property in WikiData like p:writerOf, but why not using rdaw:author (rdaw: http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/w/) or rather than having a WikiData property p:workTitle using rdaw:titleOfTheWork ?

Jean-Baptiste Pressac
Traitement et analyse de bases de données
Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique
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