This use of a WMF email account raises some legal and wikipolitical ambiguities that are best avoided. I strongly recommend using a non-WMF email account for anyone who is speaking outside of a WMF role. Pinging James to ask for clarification on the policy. And let's fork this portion of the discussion. (:


On Mar 7, 2016 00:39, "Stas Malyshev" <> wrote:

> Yes, sure, your free time is a different matter. I just thought you are
> speaking as a WMF employee here, since you were using this email. I am

It's Sunday here, so no :) I do use two separate logins for WMF official
and volunteer work on Wiki, but using two emails is too cumbersome for me.

> probably over-sensitive there since I am used to the very strict
> policies of WMDE. They are very careful to keep paid and private
> activities separate by using different accounts.

Surely, it is common in WMF too. But again two email accounts seems
excessive to me. Usually it's pretty clear from the context but if
needed, I will clarify.
Stas Malyshev

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