Hello Markus;

The URL of a Commons image is build like this:


Where X and XY are the first char and first&second chars respectively of the md5sum of the filename (replacing the spaces with _).

For a 200px thumb:


The SVG files are a special case, therefore .png is appended to .ext, being .ext.png. For SVG doesn't mind to use big thumb sizes, but when file is JPG, don't try to generate a thumb bigger than the original file or you will get a beautiful error.


2014-07-02 22:33 GMT+02:00 Markus Krötzsch <markus@semantic-mediawiki.org>:
Dear Wikidatarians,

>From Commons media properties, I get the string name of a file on Commons. I can easily use it to build a link to the Commons page fo rthat image.

* But how do I get the raw image URL?
* And can I also get the raw URL of a small-scale (thumbnail) image?

I would like to beautify my Wikidata applications to show some images. I know this is more of a general MediaWiki question, but it is much more relevant in Wikidata, so I am posting it here first. I guess somebody has already solved this since we have images in various Wikidata-based applications and gadgets.



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