On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 5:13 PM, Dan Garry <dgarry@wikimedia.org> wrote:
An often-cited complaint to me about the Wikidata API is that it's obscure and hard to use. Simple things, like needing the QID of a page rather than being able to give it a URL of a page from a client wiki, can make a big difference to third parties that aren't super familiar with Wikidata.

You can use the URL of a page on a client wiki with action=wbgetentities. Just specify sites and titles parameters, e.g.

or from Special:ApiSandbox,

I didn't mention this in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Presenting_Wikidata_knowledge because it's my understanding that entity IDs are more universal.

=S PageĀ  WMF Tech writer