Am 13.06.2014 11:08, schrieb Gerard Meijssen:
When you leave out qualifiers, you will find that Ronald Reagan was never president of the United States and only an actor. Yes, omitting the statements with qualifiers is wrong but as a consequence the total of the information is wrong as well.

I do not see the point of this functionality. It is wrong any way I look at it. Without qualifiers information is wrong. Without statements information is wrong and without the items involved the information is incomplete and wrong.

As I see it you cannot win. Including this type of RDF export produces something that I fail to see serves any purpose or it is the purpose that you can.


On 11 June 2014 12:03, Markus Krötzsch <> wrote:
On 10/06/14 22:50, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
It is stated that there are no qualifiers included. In one of the
articles you write that it is to be understood that the vailidity of the
information is dependent on the existing qualifiers.

What is the value of these RDF exports with the qualifiers missing?

Our normal exports include all the qualifiers and references.

Our simplified exports include only those statements that don't have qualifiers. You are right that it would lead to wrong information to leave away quantifiers.



Did I understand you right, Markus, that you leave out all statements which have at least one qualifier? Wouldn't it make more sense to leave out the qualifiers only but add the statements without qualifiers anyway? Because this would solve eg. Gerard's problem with Ronald Reagan.

Best regards,