Hey Jeroen,

An often-cited complaint to me about the Wikidata API is that it's obscure and hard to use. Simple things, like needing the QID of a page rather than being able to give it a URL of a page from a client wiki, can make a big difference to third parties that aren't super familiar with Wikidata. So, this looks really cool! Thanks for working on it. :-)


On 30 November 2015 at 05:55, Jeroen De Dauw <jeroendedauw@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey all,

I've created a very rough REST API for Wikidata and am looking for your feedback.

* About this API: http://queryr.wmflabs.org
* Documentation: http://queryr.wmflabs.org/about/docs
* API root: http://queryr.wmflabs.org/api

At present this is purely a demo. The data it serves is stale and potentially incomplete, the endpoints and formats they use are very much liable to change, the server setup is not reliable and I'm not 100% sure I'll continue with this little project.

The main thing I'm going for with this API compared to the existing one is greater ease of use for common use cases. Several factors make this a lot easier to do in a new API than in the existing one: no need the serve all use cases, no need to retain compatibility with existing users and no framework imposed restrictions. You can read more about the difference on the website.

You are invited to comment on the concept and on the open questions mentioned on the website.


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate

Wikidata mailing list

Dan Garry
Lead Product Manager, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation