> Some did, I think. :) Anything that doesn't create a recentchanges entry is "hiding that it happened".

Then I'd say the alternatives are either
1) no inferences at all
2) find a solution for inferences to show up on recent changes on related items

Of course if we want to have inferences 1 is not really an option :) and if two is possible, and I don't see why it should not be, then this solves the (not) hiding problem.

2015-09-29 8:24 GMT+02:00 Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com>:
Peter F. Patel-Schneider, 28/09/2015 22:27:
>I'm aguing against making such inference part of wikibase/wikidata core
>functionality, and hiding it's working ("magic").
>However, I very much hope for a whole ecosystem of tools that apply and use such
>inference, and make the results obvious to users, both integrated with
>wikidata.org and outside.

Has anyone argued for performing inference and then hiding that it happened?

Some did, I think. :) Anything that doesn't create a recentchanges entry is "hiding that it happened".


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