Wikidata December 2015
  • 56 participants
  • 46 discussions

Music data, Wikidata and FRBR
by Federico Leva (Nemo)
8 years, 4 months

Duplicates in Wikidata
by Proffitt,Merrilee
8 years, 4 months

Place name ambiguation
by Tom Morris
8 years, 4 months

weekly summary #190
by Lydia Pintscher
8 years, 4 months

Re: [Wikidata] [ANNOUNCEMENT] StrepHit IEG project kick-off seminar
by Marco Fossati
8 years, 4 months

Seasons Greetings and a call to action
by Jane Darnell
8 years, 4 months

Programming question
by Ádám Harangozó
8 years, 4 months

[ANNOUNCEMENT] StrepHit IEG project kick-off seminar
by Marco Fossati
8 years, 4 months

Edgard Marx invited you to check out Dropbox
by Dropbox
8 years, 4 months

Edgard Marx invited you to check out Dropbox
by Dropbox
8 years, 4 months
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