OK, thanks for your reply.  We will watch for new developments and incorporate them into our work as they are ready.  

Keep up the good work on this important project!

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Daniel Kinzler <daniel.kinzler@wikimedia.de> wrote:
Am 13.09.2013 18:24, schrieb Benjamin Good:
> Daniel,
> Even 500 seems like a very low limit for this system unless I'm
> misunderstanding something.  Unless there is another way to execute queries
> that return more rows than that, this would negate the possibility of a
> huge number of applications - all of ours in particular.  If we want to
> say, request something like "all human genes" (about 20,000 items), how
> would we do that?

You are looking for actual *query* support, not just a "search by name". This is
on the road map, and I hope we will be able to deploy it by the end of the year.
But it's not possible yet.

Supporting queries like "all people born in hamburg" or "all cities in europe"
is an obvious goal for wikidata. And we are working on it, but it's not trivial
to make this scale to the number of entries, queries and different properties we
are dealing with.

> Within Wikipedia, we do this via the mediawiki API based on
> contains-template or category queries without any issue.  Certainly
> wikidata will be more useful for queries than raw mediawiki???

See above.

> I'm certain I am missing something, please clarify.
> This is currently standing in the way of our GSoC student completing his
> summer project - due next week.  A little disappointing for him..

Sorry, but we have never hidden the fact that our query interface is not ready
yet. wbsearchentities is a label lookup designed for find-as-you-type
suggestions. It's not a query interface, and was never supposed to be.

I understand the disappointment, but there is little we can do about this now.

All I can suggest is working from a dump right now (and sadly, we only have
mediawiki's raw json-in-xml dumps at the moment. I'm working on native JSON and
RDF dumps, but they are not ready).

-- daniel

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