All really great suggestions and thanks for seeing which ones we can do, Stas! :) Let me know if you want/need help with tickets, UI work, etc. 



deb tankersley
Product Manager, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation

On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 12:54 PM, Stas Malyshev <> wrote:

> I would definitely like to see the label that matched. Even if you don't
> know the language, seeing a partial match vs a full match is
> informative. If I search for /Москва,/ and I get back "Moscow" and
> "Armenian Cemetery" I don't know what's what. Seeing that Moscow is
> "Russian: *Москва*" and Armenian Cemetery is "Russian: Армянское
> кладбище (*Москва*)" tells me immediately that Moscow is probably a
> better match, even if I don't know any Russian or Cyrillic.

Which kinda tells me maybe we should display both. How about this:
- display the main title in the title position (highlight if it matched)
- if the match was in alias, display under it: (alias: <HIGHLIGHTED MATCH>)
- if the match was in different language, display instead under it:
- then display description in display language (highlight if it matched)
- then under it, if different language description matched, display it

That'd be a bit more work, but I *think* it should be doable (famous
last words :).

> Any names will have similar problems. "Jacek Moskwa" is the same in all
> 12 languages with a label. His descriptions say he's Polish, so I guess
> Polish is the right answer, but I don't think there's any way to know that.

The current display language will always take priority, I think. Then
goes the fallback chain (we'll still use fallbacks for these purposes I
think). If none of these march, I guess it'd be up to source_text field,
in which case we probably won't have any highlighting working (since
highlighting is useless on that) but maybe we could try some tricks with
highlighter to get at least something out of it.

> I'd want to see the both, maybe as "West Germany (*FRG*)" if I search
> for FRG—hey, the autocompletion suggester does that already!

Yep, but it has completely different GUI, so I can't really reuse it. I
can take inspiration from it though :)

> I can see that "Title: Description" saves some vertical space, but I
> would prefer the description to be on the next line.

Same here. Especially as - per above - we could have more than one of each.

> Moscow (*Москва*) (Q649) <>
> capital city and the largest city of Russia; separate federal subject of
> Russia
> 386 KB (537 statements) - 08:33, 15 October 2017
> Moskva River (Q175117) <>
> Russian: *Москва*
> river in Moscow and Moscow region
> 40 KB (31 statements) - 14:21, 25 September 2017
> FC Moscow (Q392115) <>
> Russian: *Москва*
> association football club
> 18 KB (12 statements) - 15:35, 17 October 2017
> Moscow 24 (Q1572348) <>
> Russian: *Москва* 24
> television channel
> 9 KB (14 statements) - 06:13, 11 June 2017
> Armenian Cemetery (Q685338) <>
> Russian: Армянское кладбище (*Москва*)
> cemetery
> 8 KB (7 statements) - 10:07, 2 September 2017
> ... although pulling out the Russian specifically is probably not possible.

Looks good to me, I'll see which ones of these are actually possible :)
And many thanks for detailed feedback, that's exactly what I was looking

Stas Malyshev

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