Hi Lydia,

Thanks for your quick reply.

So the data stored at wikidata.org repository database will not change, but the dumps of the database will change? Is it possible to provide 2 kinds of dumps? One for raw data (in internal JSON serialization format) and one for data model (in exteranl JSON serialization format).


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:54 AM, Markus Krötzsch <markus@semantic-mediawiki.org> wrote:
Another related question: what are the new content model strings used for the new format?



On 15.08.2014 20:04, Lydia Pintscher wrote:
Hey folks :)

Are you a tool author relying on dumps or Special:Export or use Lua on
Wikidata to access data in items? Please read on.
The JSON format returned by the API and what we use to store the data
internally has been different for a long time. This has been a
headache as people had to deal with two different JSON serializations.
We've fixed this now to only use one. This means the format you get in
the XML dumps, via Special:Export and when accessing the raw item page
content via Lua will change to be the same as what you get from the
API. We plan to deploy this change on August 26th.

This is one of the remaining blockers for statements on properties and
further progress on Commons support.

I'm sorry for the disruption. If you need help with adapting your
tools please let me know.


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