Hi Gerard,

your blog post got me thinking about designing a Wikidata fact checking tool. The idea would be to rank facts to be checked by a human by some combination of a fact importance score and a fact uncertainty score. Do you know of any work that has already been done in this space? Do you think such a tool would be used? What are the current systems for quality control in Wikidata?

As an aside, estimating fact uncertainty may reduce to estimating Wikidata quality as a whole.



On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:24 PM, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:
There is a lot of knowledge on quality in online databases. It is known that all of them have a certain error rate. This is true for Wikidata as much as any other source.

My question is: is there a way to track Wikidata quality improvements over time. One approach I blogged about [1]. It is however only an approach to improve quality not an approach to determine quality and track the improvement of quality.

The good news is that there are many dumps of Wikidata so it is possible to compare current Wikidata with how it was in the past.

Would this be something that makes sense to get into for Wikimedia research. particularly in the light of Wikidata becoming more easily available to Wikipedia?

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