
The last year Wikimedia Sverige has deepened the cooperation with a number of universities in Sweden and we have recently started providing them with research assignment for students' thesis work (to work on for either during 10 weeks (Bachelor) or 20 weeks (Master)). As a small pilot I gave a presentation about this a couple of weeks ago and we have seen a great interest in this opportunity from staff and student - with around 10 students (out of  ~300) deciding to do their thesis work about our movement and projects next year!

I was wondering if there is a list of possible thesis assignments compiled somewhere (of course many different structures for thesis work exist - but anything would help)? We would especially like more ideas regarding technical assignments that the students could do - and investigate the effect from - during their thesis course. I.e. not just the Phabricator/Bugzilla bugs, but something a bit more comprehensive and structured. Is there anything out there? (Kind of like GSoC - but during the semesters.)

If no such resource exists - and if more people/chapters/WMF would find this approach of involving universities interesting - perhaps we could create the necessary structures for this in the future?

PS. Wiki Education Foundation do not have one - I already asked.


- - - -
John Andersson
Wikimedia Sverige
Project Manager

Phone: +46(0)73-3965189
Email: john.andersson@wikimedia.se
Skype: johnandersson86

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