Is wiki research (including Wikipedia research) research on computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW).

Sure.  A lot of it.  If it's research of the nature of wikis, then certainly.   A lot of papers that study Wikipedia/wikis are published via ACM CSCW[1].

If it's research that just so happens to use Wikipedia as a dataset, then I don't know if we should even call it Wikipedia research.  Some research of the content and work patterns in Wikipedia is a mixture of the two.  For example, an analysis of the content in Wikipedia might be useful for identifying bias and missing information -- even if that was not original intention of the study and identifying bias and missing information is purely used to tune some content algorithm.


On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Finn Årup Nielsen <> wrote:

Can I ask a silly question: Is wiki research (including Wikipedia research) research on computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW).

My immediate thought was: yes of course. I do note that on Wikipedia there is only a parenthetic mentioning of Wikipedia in "Computer-supported cooperative work" and no mentioning of CSCW in "Wiki" (but I have also heard that you shouldn't trust Wikipedia because anyone can edit).

I suppose that some wiki research could be non-CSCW research? E.g., research on named entity extraction using Wikipedia would not be called CSCW.

best regards
Finn Årup Nielsen

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