Actually, we already thought about creating a common knowledge-share space, possibly based in wiki technology but with many other useful tools. It could integrate many research sources about Wikipedia, currently scattered all over the web:

* WikiResearch at meta.wikimedia
* Wikimetrics at, and other wiki bibliography sources (maybe, linked with Citeulike lists...).
* A common forum to exchange ideas and resources for research about Wikipedia.
* Most important thing: A common interface to ask Wikimedia Foundation for data sources. Wikimedia admins are (almost always) too busy to attend researchers' petititons. It's not rare to spend at least 3 months to obtain certain information sources, due to both contact and agreement delays. It's also frequent that certain common petitions show up again over time. With a central point to find resources, this problem would be mitigated, at least to some an extent point.

* Of course, a mailing-list would be also a benefit, possibly split into important subtopics: research-metrics, research-semantics, research-authoring...

Maybe Wikiversity could be a good starting point to integrate the whole thing.


Cormac Lawler <> escribió:
On Feb 5, 2008 10:56 PM, Dirk Riehle <> wrote:
I already moderate the WikiSym wiki research list, which is equally
low traffic, so I can offer to take this one on too. --Dirk

I'd kinda like this list to be slightly more active - currently it's a bit more of an announce list. I'd like to develop a community of researchers who can share ideas, experiences, critiques etc., but I wonder if a mailing list is the best way though. The obvious question arises: how about a wiki? I'd like to offer Wikiversity [1] as a place where people interested could work and see what other people are working on - not replacing this list but augmenting it. Though if anyone has other ideas for a suitable medium or space, I'd love to hear them...


[1] English Wikiversity: <> ; Multilingual portal <>
Wiki-research-l mailing list

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