You may also want to consider people who died in 2014 and if there is an article for him or her in a Wikipedia.. This query shows everybody known to have died in 2014 in Wikidata [1]. It is not complete yet, around 500 more people need to be added to Wikidata. The number of known deaths is at least double the number of known deaths in en,wp.

NB there are Americans, Aussies, Britons in this list unknown on the en,wp.

[1] http://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/autolist.html?q=claim[31%3A5]%20and%20between[570%2C2014.9999]

On 23 April 2014 10:24, stuart yeates <syeates@gmail.com> wrote:
On 23/04/14 19:55, Johannes Hoffart wrote:

Is there some work trying to answer this question of how long it takes for Wikipedia articles to be created after an event became newsworthy (and eventually ends up in Wikipedia)?

One way of doing this would be to look at the biographies of the recently-deceased. Check for articles in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2013_deaths created after the death of the subject and calculate the time difference.


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