If you are thinking about adding a moderator, I will be happy to act as such for this list. I usually read it, it's useful and it does not have an excessive amount of traffic, so I would like to actively contribute to maintain it.


Felipe Ortega.

Michael Bimmler <mbimmler@gmail.com> escribió:
On Feb 5, 2008 11:28 AM, Jimmy Wales wrote:
> For some reason I am listed as a moderator on this mailing list. I do
> read it, but I seldom have time to do moderation tasks. If there is
> another moderator, perhaps he or she could remove me from moderation?
> If there is no other moderator, perhaps we need one?

Officially, you seem to be the only list administrator. The question
is probably rather, whether anyone besides you has also got the list
password ;-)


Wiki-research-l mailing list

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