Great! How can we meet there?

From: [] On Behalf Of GerardM
Sent: July 28, 2007 1:13 PM
To: Research into Wikimedia content and communities
Subject: Re: [Wiki-research-l] Question

I will be at Wikimania .. and give a try .. i will be happy to explain what it is all about at Wikimania

NB for the information of transtlators, OmegaT does support the reading of a MediaWIki text as a start for a translation.. :)

On 7/28/07, Desilets, Alain <> wrote:
I can't really help you with that, but I am interested in learning more about why you are doing this.
I am doing some research on multilingual wiki and the use of wikipedia as a terminological database:
Translation the Wiki Way:

Making WikiMedia resources more useful for translators
Will you be at WikiMania next week? If so, will you be attending the Hacking Day Extra? There are a number of people who will be there who are interested in  multilngual related wiki stuff.
Best regards,

Alain Désilets, National Research Council of Canada
Chair, WikiSym 2007

2007 International Symposium on Wikis
Wikis at Work in the World:
Open, Organic, Participatory Media for the 21st Century

From: [] On Behalf Of Tatiana Mitrokhina
Sent: July 28, 2007 5:52 AM
Subject: [Wiki-research-l] Question

Hello dear Wikipedians,
my name is Tatiana.  I've installed German and English wikipedia locally and tried to find out, how the Tables "Page" and "Langlinks" in the database are connected. Do you know, how it functions?
I've made some attemts to get at least a title of the article and correcponding titles of it in other languages.
So I took  a piece of XML dump (German):
- <page>
- <revision>
- <contributor>
<id>146374</id> …
And the numerous „id"s …didn't let me to  get the result.
The matter is:
In the table „page" page_title is Actinium and page_id is „1368".
In the table „langlinks" ll_from  is „3"
In XML  <title>Actinium</title>  <id>3</id> .
As far as I understand from the scheme of the DB table „langlinks" is connencted only to „page" table , but how? How page_id= 1368 turns to ll_from=3 and in XML id= 3.
I would appreciate your help greatly.

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