Use jQuery.ajax (or it's wrapper functions such as jQuery.getJSON) to cover all cross-browser issues.

And as indirectly suggested above. JSONP is the solution for cross-domain scripting.
What it means is that that source (in this case toolserver) has a URL parameter (say &callback=), the script then returns the folllowing:

callback({ my: 'data' });

This is the exception / work-around to same origin policiy as it can be done through a simple script tag because there is a callback.
This callback function can be dynamic and generated on the fly with jQuery by using a ? as callback


jQuery.getJSON( '', function(data){
  alert(data.hello); }

2011/2/1 Daniel Kinzler <>
Hi all!

what's the best way to get around the same original policy to fetch data from
the toolserver with a XMLHTTPRequest in a Wikipedia gadget? Is there a best
practice, a nice and easy, generally usable method? what would it take to make one?

I know that some gadgets have been doing this, but I also know that it's a bit
tricky. I think a general solution to this, documented somewhere, would make
life a lot easier... does something like this exist? if not, why not?

-- daniel

PS: while i'm at it, is there a wrapper function for XMLHTTPRequest in the
standard MEdiaWiki JS? I don't want to re-invent a sucky wheel :)

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