
Anyone who does anything should post it at

I am presenting on both days of a weekend for InfoCamp in Seattle, which is a small conference (700 people?) where people in information sciences tell stories in layman terms to fans, mostly students and people interested in popular science. There are not many places where a conference like this would work but it does work in Seattle because of lots of people working in software and science in a small city, and because there is an established community of several thousand people who dependably attend layman science talks for entertainment.

At the conference I will be training people to use Wikipedia and telling them to use Wikipedia as platform for disseminating ideas.

This is happening the second weekend of October, so I likely will do something later also.

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all, 
what do you plan to do for the incoming Open Access Week?

Lane was saying that he'd like to work on the OA page on Wikipedia, 
and I think it's a *great* idea. 
We could concentrate our effort during the Open Access Week, for example. 

In Italy, we will have an hackathon in the National Library of Florence:
during that day, we will speak a lot about Wikidata, authority control and other things, 
but i would like to have a little "editathon" on the Open Access article too.
We could translate the English version, for example, and rearrange our Italian article. 

It's not a very original idea, 
but I think it's important. 

Do you have other plans?


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Lane Rasberry