I figured these pointers (which I shared in response to a question on how to showcase the "volume and diversity of Wikipedia’s interaction with the scholarly literature") would be useful to others on the lists.

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From: Dario Taraborelli <dtaraborelli@wikimedia.org>

Crossref Event Data

This is the live demo web client, the vast majority of events come from Wikipedia. Just opening up this link at any time should give you a sense of the sheer volume of events coming from Wikipedia across languages in real time. The API endpoint with today's events is here.

Wikipedia DOI referrals

One of my favorite datapoints is the ranking of referring domains for DOI lookups, which consistently puts Wikipedia in the top 10 non-primary-publisher sources of traffic to the literature as measured by Crossref. 

Wikipedia citations

We recently released a comprehensive dataset of 15 million records with all citations by identifiers in Wikipedia across nearly 300 languages. The data has already been used in a number of analyses (see here and here from Matt Miller). It got picked up by Wired yesterday, with a nice story on a paper cited 2.8M times in Wikipedia. This data is being used by other organizations to drive digitization and open access efforts.