• Website placement: I think it is obvious the space the Book Creator takes on the Left Hand tool bar is not enough to draw attention to the feature. I wonder if we should attempt to have some sort of a "Save for Offline Use" button on each article, which would then open a new window into the collection creator screen? This could look similar to the "Share this" links which exist on most information websites (for Facebook, Twitter, email, etc.). This could be next to the "Print" button.
I totally agree with you that the space in the left hand tool bar is far from ideal. Moreover, the whole process for starting the "Book creator" is too cumbersome and wordy. How about something like the feedback box that could appear on the bottom of every page? But of course it would be nicer to have something that appears "above the fold". 

So far I was not aware that there was a "Print" button in Wikipedia (new skin?). If such a button existed, it would probably also be a great place for the functionality.

No button exists yet; I meant the "Print" button which appears on a lot of other websites (though not ours at this time). 
  • Marketing: Once we feel a bit more confident about usability, it would be great to market the tool. We can do this in three phases:
    • Phase 1: emails to different mailing lists announcing the project, and asking for suggestions and feedback on the tools
We could set up a little project team that takes the input from the community and creates some ui prototypes. Usually, you get more qualified feedback if you confront users with a wireframe or a rough draft. When we feel confident about the basic design we could implement the new features and go for tests with a wider audience just as you suggested. 

I like this idea. It would be great if we could set up a space - maybe on MediaWiki.org - where we could flesh this out as a community. It would be great if you could take the lead on getting this set-up and sending all updates to this mailing list! Those of us most interested in being part of the input team could watch the pages on MediaWiki and contribute to this space. I think on this space we could also collaborate on the best workflow, as Emmanuel suggested.

One thing Tomasz shared with me today is a UI project they are doing for Mobile WIkipedia. They have a space called "Athena" set-up where they are doing some prototypes. This is the sort of model I mean: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Athena 

  • Measurement: clearly, we should have careful tracking of books created and downloads by file type by day. @PediaPress: is this available yet?
There are a few reports that are easily available (like total number of downloads) and some that are a little more difficult to retrieve (like downloads by file type). But so far none of this is available in public repositories. I think we should implement a reporting infrastructure where everybody can check the usage statistics (similar to http://stats.grok.se/).
But before we set up a reporting system we should decide what our goals for the redesign are and how we could measure them. 

Good point. But it would also be useful to get some relevant statistics now, to help inform what the user experience actually IS? What stats do we have that could inform this?  

I would love to work on this project. Just as I said before - let's get this started... :-)

Awesome! I hope others are excited and interested as well. This tool has *huge* potential to bring more information to people around the world!


Jessie Wild
Global Development, Manager
Wikimedia Foundation