Happy New Year to you all, and no apologies for cross-posting!

The 2016 annual report for Kiwix is out and you can check it out online here [1] or offline (pdf) [2].

In a nutshell so you don’t have to click:
- More than a million downloads from 200+ countries and territories (including Antarctica, apparently);
- Wikimed went global;
- 80% of our volumes are in the Global South.

But if you DO click: you’ll get a sneak peek at what we’re preparing for 2017.

Also: a big thanks to folks at the Foundation and Wikimedia CH for their support.

Have a nice, no, an awesome day

The Kiwix Team

[1] http://www.kiwix.org/ar2016/
[2] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kiwix_2016_Annual_Report.pdf

Stephane Coillet-Matillon 
stephane@kiwix.org / +41 79 215 8510

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