Switching to mobile-l

Use global less import paths. I wrote this in a fixme in my hot fix yesterday :)

On 10 Oct 2014 12:22, "Yuvi Panda" <yuvipanda@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Another option is to merge MobileApp back into MobileFrontend, but that might be a bad idea for code hygiene reasons (and would also mean Mobile Web team would be responsible for maintaining that part).

On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 12:51 AM, Yuvi Panda <yuvipanda@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Yay to componentization!

I'm wondering how to best depend on the styles from MobileApp in a forward compatible way. Mooching off MF's module definitions comes to mind, as does maintaining an array of file paths in MobileFrontend and referencing them in MobileApp. Other suggestions?

On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 12:20 AM, Rob Moen <rmoen@wikimedia.org> wrote:
If you depend on some of the LESS files in MobileFrontEnd (Apps)  You may want to know about the recent changes.