On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Tomasz Finc <tfinc@wikimedia.org> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Jon Robson <jrobson@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> #1: Copyright text
> One of the things that's causing me headaches is Heather quite rightly
> in her designs throws away a lot of the links from the footer and
> tidies up the copyright/license text (See the footer in
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/File:Mobile_end_expand.png). As you can
> see this basically rearranges the text in
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Wikimedia-copyright
> Can anyone see an easy way to do this? Ideally I'd want a way to
> access the copyright notice and the license from within the
> MobileFrontend to allow other non-Wikipedia sites to customise this
> text.

Patrick, Max, Arthur .. thoughts ?

Well, currently we use the SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec hook and the addMobileFooter method to customize the footer. We get this copyright with:
$skin = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin();
$copyright = $skin->getCopyright();

> #2: Missing footer links
> The links 'View this page on regular Wikipedia', 'Disable images on
> mobile site' and 'Permanently disable mobile site' disappear from the
> footer. The last 2 I think can be lived without, and I would imagine
> these would be better places in a settings page anyhow however view
> this page on regular wikipedia is. I think the best place for this in
> the time being is to move it into the navigation menu (revealed when
> you click the mediawiki logo) and to shorten the text to 'desktop'
> site. Does anyone have objections to this?

+1 on the rename. We've been wanting to do change it to desktop for a
while. In the future I can see us having

'Desktop | Tablet | Mobile' across all sites.

Now for the other functionality. Thats tough as while I agree that it
should not be there anymore ... but we don't have enough of the nav
design nor do we want to do it just yet. Thus we have three options

1) Just delete it and add it back later

2) Delete it and hold on pushing the change till the temp nav is in place

3) Put it somewhere else

> #3: New footer links
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/File:Mobile_end_expand.png
> Could someone tell me how I can generate the footer from php
> Do Contact, Privacy, About, Disclaimer always point to the same pages?
> How can I generate the correct urls and labels for these pages and
> check for their existence?

Patrick, Max, Arthur .. thoughts ?


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