On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Quim Gil <qgil@wikimedia.org> wrote:
First it would be good to know whether someone is already working or planning to work here on a native Wikipedia app for Android, with open source license and an aim to become official.
I asked in IRC and YuviPanda is the only one that have responded and he did not mentioned anything like that.

Then I would go for feature parity with the current official Wikipedia app as it runs in Android. I would also follow the look & feel as much as possible except for those cases where the Android native suits better. Maybe the team that maintains the official app has better advice on this.
I was thinking about the same thing, and I'm opened to any suggestion from the phonegap app team :).

Last but not least, don't call it "Wikipedia" and don't use the Wikipedia trademarks during the development process. We can sort that out when there is a good candidate to evaluate.
Ok the name, but for the package name you would suggest to use something different by "org.wikimedia.wikipedia"? 

PS: we started drafting a proposal for the process an app has to follow to become official at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Apps/proposal . Feedback and edits welcome.
YuviPanda mentioned it.. I'm going to look into it :)

Thanks for your points,