On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 2:01 AM, Joaquin Oltra Hernandez <jhernandez@wikimedia.org> wrote:

As an alternative, some services like slack when inputting the email/username and tapping login on the mobile web/app then send you an email with a link to the site that will log you in once automatically.

Given users are usually logged in to their email accounts on their phones it's basically hassle free login.

For me it was the most seamless login experience I've had on a phone!

Persona is a nice way to login via email clickthrough that's not bound to any specific email provider or mobile app, automatically turns into an OpenID or OAuth login if the email provider supports that, and supports an alternative login method via an open standard that can be used by the browser to log you in without any kind of interaction (only implemented by Firefox though). Sadly it never caught on (presumably because there is no business model behind it, unlike locking the user in to a mobile app or federated login via a provider that then sells the user data).