On 22 April 2014 11:08, Bryan Davis <bdavis@wikimedia.org> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Arthur Richards
<arichards@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Huh could be - I could've sworn betalabs showed specific SHA1s of extensions
> on Special:Version previously, but it currently does not so I'm not sure
> what version of MF is running there.

Welcome to scap deployed code and bug 53972. :/

Yesterday when I switched beta to use a local directory on
deployment-bastion.eqiad.wmflabs instead of NFS as the scap staging
copy (equivalent of /a/common on tin), I missed a configuration change
for rsync. I corrected that problem this morning, but now am having
issues with Jenkins not wanting to run jobs on
deployment-bastion.eqiad. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

​This is a really major regression; not quite knowing what version of code you were receiving in prod​ was irritating, but for Beta where JS code in particular gets stuck in caches for days it's critical. :-(

James D. Forrester
Product Manager, VisualEditor
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

jforrester@wikimedia.org | @jdforrester