Now that it's the end of the UTC day, I updated my numbers for the day so that they're no longer extrapolated and normalised, and as expected the Android app registrations increased by 550%, and exceeded desktop for the day. Additionally, the number of saved edits has not varied significantly, so the onboarding screen has had zero effect on the number of edits.

Let's get that better onboarding screen in! :-)


On 24 July 2014 09:24, Dan Garry <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Yesterday, we pushed an updated version of the Android app to production. Notably, that update included a screen which is shown once upon first starting the app, then never shown again, asking the user to sign up. For those of you who don't know, the screen looks like this (MASSIVE IMAGE WARNING):

I've taken a preliminary look at our EventLogging data and, as you might expect, there's been a massive upsurge in Android account registrations. Right now, the rate of Android app account registrations has increased by over 500%. In fact, so far today, there have been more account registrations on the Android app than on desktop!

The onboarding screen is being shown to everyone who downloads the app now, including everyone who previously had the app and updated to the new version. As mentioned above, the screen is only shown once, so I expect this rate to decline rather dramatically over the next few days.

As we suspected, the actual beneficial effects of the onboarding screen on our active editor numbers are pretty doubtful; my preliminary analysis shows no increase in the number of edits that have been successfully saved after the launch of the onboarding screen. This comes as no surprise to us, as we knew that a big weakness of the onboarding screen is that it doesn't mention editing or even say why you should sign up. We already were aware of this and working to fix it.

I'll continue to keep you posted.


Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager for Platform and Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation

Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager for Platform and Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation