To get the creative juices flowing for our upcoming discussion about our Q4 work, where I am proposing that we set our sights on getting in-line Wikidata description editing on the Wikipedia app, I spent 30 minutes making a prototype of what I think it could look like to stimulate discussion.

All the interactions are long-presses simply because it was quicker for me to do that, and the copy was written totally off the top of my head. When looking at it, don't think about the visuals or copy, but do think about how you think users would respond to it.

Also, don't be afraid to play with the prototype. All of what's happening is only happening on your local device, it's not hitting any APIs to save the descriptions.

If you're the a savvy Android engineer, check out the patch and build your own Wikipedia Alpha app to test it:

If you're not, watch a video of it in action:

Feedback welcome!


Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation