On 31 Jan 2021, at 00:39, rogerchrisman@gmail.com wrote:

-$  mysqldump -p --default-character-set=binary bilbo_teflpedia | gzip


Also, I had set my webhost to PHP 7.3.26 via cPanel, which both
MW1.31.1 and 1.35.1 are compatible with, before the upgade attempt.

Now I'm wondering, did I *combine* the new database with the old one
with that: -$ gunzip < ~/bu/bilbo_teflpedia.20210130.MW1.31.1.sql.gz |
mysql -p bilbo_teflpedia

Did I properly *replace* the bilbo_teflpedia database with the old one?

Do I need to delete the bilbo_teflpedia database first?

I’m not an expert by any means but I think add-drop-table is included by default in the mysqldump command: 


Best wishes
