Apologies for the cross-posting. Please help spread the word!

Dear MediaWiki admins, developers, and users. We are excited to bring you the Enterprise MediaWiki Conference this Spring in McLean, VA. To make the best event possible, we need your help! Please propose a talk on the event page. [0]

Suggested topics for talks include:

* Examples of use of MediaWiki in organizations
* Lessons learned and challenges in the use of MediaWiki and MediaWiki extensions in organizations
* Gamification and other incentives for wiki contributions
* Wikitext patterns and wiki design patterns
* Wiki development frameworks
* MediaWiki extension usage and development
* New extensions, extension updates, and ideas for future extensions

For inspiration, see last year’s presentations. [1]

Please do add a title, a brief description and your name. If you don’t have a full abstract prepared at this time we’ll contact you as the event approaches.

If you have a full presentation ready (you overachiever you!) feel free to create a page and add a link.

Presentations will be recorded and made available after the conference.

== Registration ==

Registration for EMWCon is now open! [2] Tickets are on sale through Eventbrite. There is a discount rate for students and freelancers available. This rate ends on 25 January.

== Important Facts =

Dates: 8-10 March 2017
Location: McLean, VA, USA at MITRE, a not-for-profit organization that manages Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) sponsored by the US federal government.


[0] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/EMWCon_Spring_2017
[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/EMWCon_Spring_2016#Program
[2] https://www.eventbrite.com/e/emwcon-spring-2017-tickets-30356020675

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Thank you for your interest and I hope to see you in the Spring!

Chris Koerner
Program Chair