Hi Jools,

Yes , I noticed it later on !

Do you know anyone who might be able to help on my thread ?

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Jools Wills <buzz@exotica.org.uk> wrote:
On 27/07/10 07:56, Itamar Arjuan wrote:
Hello sir,

Yes I know that.
In our case it's sitting at http://wiki.softwareprojects.com/api.php

Unless you are also the person "Python Script pythsc@gmail.com" then the message was not in reply to you. The topic for this thread is "can't access my wiki's api using v1.15.4?" - your thread is called "Problem auto logining in a person to our mediawiki". As a public mailing list there are quite often more than one ongoing discussions.

Best Regards
