
> content['query']['pages']['54377']['revisions][0]['*'] yields meaning and
> other related contents.
> I am interested to retrieve the meaning of the word. how can I do it?
> In this scenario I find api to be unusable since pageid is dynamically
> generated which is required to access the contents.
If you pass the &indexpageids=1 parameter, the API will output an
array containing the page IDs used in the response.

Thanks . 

> Yes I can use xml and find contents inside <rev></rev> tag, but how will
> some one fetch synonym alone and part of speech alone?
The API does not provide a way to get just the IPA pronunciation, or
just the synonyms, or fetch any other semantic information. The only
thing that is offered is separation into sections using ==Headers== ,
for anything else you'll have to extract the information yourself

Instead of separating contents with ==Headers== it will be freaking awesome if it is returned as array, This makes easy for end users. Else I need to write my own parser. 


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