Thank you very much ! Are there any tutorials for scraping the dump ? To be specific , I am most comfortable with python . 

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 6:54 PM, Brad Jorsch (Anomie) <> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Radhika Gaonkar <> wrote:
    I am very new to the mediawiki-api . I am planning on using this to extract geo - information about places . I have been referring to this tutorial by scraper wiki . Though I am not sure if I should be using this api or the offline dump

Don't scrape the live wiki. You may scrape a dump if you'd like.

Note that, if the only "geo information" you need are the coordinates, you can use the API to query them, like,%20D.C.

and what is the difference between the two data sets ?

Mainly, the dumps are generated about once per month so they're not completely up-to-date.

Brad Jorsch (Anomie)
Software Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation

Mediawiki-api mailing list

Radhika Gaonkar
Final year B.E.( Hons) Computer Science
BITS Pilani K. K . Birla Goa Campus