On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Peter Körner <osm-lists@mazdermind.de> wrote:
Very cool thing.. Maybe I'll be able to implement some visualization
from this, at least i think it would be cool just to try it.

If we'd have GET /api/0.6/node/#id/#version/ways we'd have all api calls
together, needed for a very cool changeset-changes viewer and a revert
tool *yeehaww*

The instance of XAPI on hypercube now implements the following:

GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/node/#id
GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/node/#id/#version
GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/node/#id/#version/ways

GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/way/#id
GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/way/#id/full
GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/way/#id/#version
GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/way/#id/#version/full

GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/relation/#id
GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/relation/#id/full
GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/relation/#id/#version
GET http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/relation/#id/#version/full

The full history hasn't been loaded so there is only version data for new versions created in the last two or three days.  Until the full history is loaded (which may not happen this year) any output from these queries should be considered to be experimental and may be incomplete.

Feedback and comments would be welcome and much appreciated.