Sadly not yet -- mapnik needs to be substantially changed to pass through the hstore. Looking for a kind hardcore c++ soul ))

On Sep 18, 2015 11:03, "Sylvain Maillard" <> wrote:
Congratulation, that's a great work !

did you manage to find a way to provide localization for all languages within the vector tiles ?


2015-09-17 23:03 GMT+02:00 Tim Waters <>:
Congratulations! Awesome stuff, been looking forward to it for some
time. I particularly like the different resolutions for various device

Will try to add it as the default layer for the Wikimedia Commons
Wikimaps Warper ( application for georectifying
historical maps soon.  Perhaps one day the same architecture could be
used to power mosaics of historical atlases  - but let's get the world
right now working first :)

Cheers and look forward to seeing progress in the
months to come!

On 17 September 2015 at 19:46, Yuri Astrakhan <> wrote:
> Wikimedia Foundation has implemented a new vector tile service Kartotherian
> (Mapbox+Mapnik stack) and launched an experimental tile and static maps
> service available at Using this service, you can
> browse and embed map tiles into your own tools using OpenStreetMap data.
> Currently, we handle traffic from * and *
> (referrer header must be either missing or set to these values) but we hope
> to open it up to Wikipedia traffic if we see enough use.
> Getting started is as easy as
> Tiles are served from, but can only be accessed
> from * and *  Kartotherian can produce tiles as
> images (png), and as raw vector data (pbf Mapbox format or json):
> Additionally, Kartotherian can produce snapshot (static) images of any
> location, scaling, and zoom level with
> For example, to get an image centred at 42,-3.14, at zoom level 4, size
> 800x600, use,4,42,-3.14,800x600.png
> (copy/paste the link, or else it might not work due to referrer
> restriction).
> Editing map style is very easy using the Mapbox Studio, and does not require
> any data on your machine - simply point it at Wikimedia server.
> How can you help?
> * Provide us feedback to help guide future features
> * Improve our map styles
> * Improve our data extraction
> * File bugs in Phabricator
> * Adapt your labs tool to use this service - for example, use Leaflet js
> library and point it to
> Based on usage and your feedback, the Discovery team will decide how to
> proceed. We could add more data sources (both vector and raster), work on
> additional services such as static maps or geosearch, work on supporting all
> languages, switch to client-side WebGL rendering, etc. Please help us decide
> what is most important.
> has more about the project and related
> Maps work.
> We would like to thank WMF Ops (especially Alex Kosiaris, Brandon Black, and
> Jaime Crespo), services team, OSM community and engineers, and the Mapnik
> and Mapbox teams. The project would not have completed so fast without you.
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