Hi, it's a tricky problem with "aboutness"

Topic: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q200801
Matter: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q26256810
Topic of a work: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q27891660
Subject: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q12310021

Perhaps P921 (main topic) is suitable for the collection level, and P180 (depict) in each of the photographs that represent or describe real places, for the item level.

El mar, 7 dic 2021 a las 18:07, Erin Johnson (<ejohns83@uwo.ca>) escribió:
Hello Wiki-GLAM community,

A small group at Western Libraries is working to pilot a bulk upload of archival images to Wikimedia and associated Wikidata.
We are wondering what property would be better suited to describe the Fond and Series level descriptions we are creating in Wikidata - Main Subject (P921) or Depicts (P180).
Here is an example of a series description using main subject https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q109363562

Any thoughts?

Erin Johnson, MLIS
Acting Head, Discovery, Description & Metadata (DDM)
Metadata Management Librarian

Western Libraries, Western University
London, ON

I acknowledge that Western University is situated on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak, and Attawandaron peoples. These lands are connected with the London Township and Sombra Treaties of 1796 and the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum. I respect the work of land defenders and water protectors as contemporary stewards of the land and support their vital contributions to the Earth and our society.

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## "Conecta, diseña, publica" nuevo grado en Gestión de Información y Contenidos Digitales de la Universidad de Murcia ##

Dr. Tomás Saorín, Dep. de Información y Documentación
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