On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Karen Coyle <kcoyle@kcoyle.net> wrote:
intention of integrating Wikidata with Wikipedia,

Well, Wikipedia now is in the process of integration with Wikidata.
That means:
* Wikidata has the right infrastructure to work with "data" and "factoids"
* it is possible to call a factoid (a statement) from Wikidata to Wikipedia, via template
* it all depends by the Wikipedia community. It is the community that decides if she wants the infobox to be relying on data directly on Wikipedia or on Wikidata. 

The example I made in my mail (the Template:Thesaurus_BNCF [1])
is a good one:
it is a template that you put in a Wikipedia page, for example "Godel's theorem". 
There is a thesaurus page too dedicated to the "Godel's theorem".
The template fetch the link present on Wikidata and generate the link to the thesaurus page. 

This means that in "Godel's theorem" Wikipedia page you don't have the link "stored" anywhere: it is fetched via Wikidata. 

This could be done with any data present on Wikidata, of course. 
As I said, it is a community decision to change the relevant templates. 


[1] https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Thesaurus_BNCF

PS: I hope the example was clear enough, it's not very simple to explain it in Italian, and I'm not sure I used the right terms in English :-)