The arn code was in use before the existence of the ISO-639-3. It already existed in the ISO-639-2. Consequently the code is not of the making of SIL.

On 2 December 2012 22:03, Osmar Valdebenito <osmar@wikimediachile.cl> wrote:

Please, consider this request seriously. We are talking here about the viability of a future project, not just a whim.

The code is not a random choice, it comes obviously from a pejorative word as Elisa mentioned. Maybe for some of you it is "just a code", but for others is a symbol of oppresion and how their language was suppressed for centuries. SIL probably chose that code because they weren't aware of that and when they did, they only changed the name because it was easier... after all, mostly nobody see the ISO code. But in our case, we do. We type everyday the ISO code of our language to enter our Wikipedia edition. We can't ask Mapuche people to just ignore the use of araucano everytime they are going to use Wikipedia. I have met several times with Mapudungun speakers and one thing is clear: they won't work on Wikipedia if it is arn.wikipedia.org and it will be a shame that once again we will lose an important piece of human knowledge because we weren't able to understand the costumes and culture of other groups.

Yes, there are rules (although I've seen that the only rule is that an eligible language should have an ISO code, not that the final version should use exactly that code, but that is a technicality) but there have been several exemptions in the past.
There are ways to avoid this problem if we want to. We can use an unused two-letter code (as Microsoft used for the Mapudungun version of Windows, "mp"), a three-letter code ("map" is used for a family of languages, just like "ine" is for Indo-European languages so it won't be used or a reserved code for local use) or other solution (a four-letter code like "mapu", for example). One of my favourite rules on Wikipedia is [[WP:IGNORE|Ignore rules]] if one prevent us from improving or maintaining Wikipedia. I'm just asking that.

Osmar Valdebenito G.

2012/12/2 Carlos Manuel Colina <jewbask@wikimedia.org.ve>
Someone at Wikimedia Chile (Osmar, I guess) made a formal request some years ago to change the ISO code, but it was ignored and eventually they replied saying "no".

Changing an ISO language code is complex because it is costly but hey, using something like "mpx" could be a solution acceptable for the Mapuche people. Also, don't we have reserved codes starting with x ?

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From: "M. Williamson" <node.ue@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2012 12:35:15 -0700
Subject: Re: [Langcom-observers] [Langcom-l] Change the code arn of mapudungun wikimedia

Some codes that are currently unused:


I'm sure there are others, just some ideas to try. Did anyone submit a request to the ISO authority? There is no reason an additional code cannot be added, preserving backwards compatibility, due to the fact that "arn" is a highly offensive language code.

2012/12/2 Carlos Manuel Colina <jewbask@wikimedia.org.ve>
Yes but I remember we discussed some time ago the possibility of using an _unused_ code for this particular case, if we received enough support from the Mapuche community.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Everson <everson@evertype.com>
Sender: langcom-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2012 18:34:32
To: Wikimedia Foundation Language committee<langcom-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Reply-To: Wikimedia Foundation Language committee
Cc: Osmar Valdebenito<osmar@wikimediachile.cl>
Subject: Re: [Langcom-l] Change the code arn of mapudungun wikimedia

On 2 Dec 2012, at 16:38, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:

> The reasons why the code arn will remain in use in the standard are published.

Moreover, "map" and "mpg" are already in use.



Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

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