Numismatic Society "Philipopolis" and the Bulgarian Wikipedia editor Vladislav Nedelev, start a project for collaboration on March 1, 2015. The Numismatic Society provides for upload under free license and in high quality its collection of 236 photos of 118 ancient coins, minted in the time when Plovdiv used to be Philipopolis. In this way, Numismatic Society "Philipopolis" hopes to make in this way its original contribution to the illustration and raising the quality of the information in Wikipedia. About the collection The collection comprises some well preserved bronze and silver coints, minted during the reign of eleven Roman Emperors from 81 to 222 year AD, among whom Antoninus Pius, Caracalla, Commodus, Elagabalus, Geta, Marcus Aurelius and Septimius Severus. For each coin from the collection, the Society provides two photos - averse and reverse, which were taken by a professional photographer in resolution of about 950×950 pixels. The pictures are accompanied with the inscriptions on the coins, recognized by expert numismatists, as well with additional data like the name of the emperor, who minted the coin, the period of his reign, as well as the coins weigth. About Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia is the most popular electronic encyclopedia. Its Bulgarian version was established in 2003 and currently comprises about 200 thousand articles, while the English version dates back to 2001, and contains about 4,7 million articles. For the Bulgarian web space, Wikipedia is among the most used sites for reference and information, which made us in the Society think of the possible ways to contribute with illustrations and articles in the area of numismatics and history of coins. A curious fact which we learn from the List of Roman Emperors in Wikipedia, is that we can judge for the faces of quite a few Roman Emperors from their portraits on the coins, which they minted during their reign. Hence, as a first step of our collaboration with the Wikipedia editor Vladislav Nedelev, we offer this collection of 236 photos of 118 Roman coins. About Creative Commons With the present collaboration project, the Numismatic Society "Philipopolis" provides the images of the coins under the free license Creative Commons Attribution, version 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0), which allows copying and redistributiong of the licensed material in any medium or format, as well as remixing, transformation, and building upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The only condition for the usage of this content when copying and redistributing it, is the attribution to the source: Numismatic Society "Philipopolis". The Society declares that the photographer and the expert numismatists who performed the coins recognition, have transfered their rights over the images to the Numismatic Society "Philipopolis".